The Albums
Joy to the Burg 2021
Joy to the Burg 2021 completes the initial trilogy, featuring 19 songs by local artists. 14 artists return and are joined by 5 new musical acts. The album is filled with Christmas classics as well as 4 original songs debuting on this project. Proceeds will fund two winter walk-in shelters in Harrisburg, one for men and one for women, as well as other tangible support to our neighbors living on the street, with an emphasis on helping folks get into long-term housing. When you give the gift of Joy to the Burg, you not only support the local arts community and bless your loved ones with the gift of music, you provide hope and housing to our most vulnerable neighbors. Thank you.
Joy to the Burg 2021 Track List

Frankly, there is not enough space to properly thank everyone who has helped make Joy to the Burg 2021 possible! Literally hundreds of people have contributed to help Joy to the Burg grow and blossom. Involvement in this project takes on many looks: serving on one of several committees, writing and recording songs, mixing and mastering those songs, providing artwork, finding sponsors, implementing promotional strategies, finding sales outlets at local retailers, churches and events, planning the TV special and music festival, and so much more. It’s impossible to thank everyone individually by name, but I want to start by thanking the artists. They poured their heart into this music, donating their time and talents to share love with our neighbors facing homelessness. Our sponsors underwrote the costs of song recording and mastering, CD production, and promotional efforts so that every dollar from album sales goes to the homelessness programs described above. A special thanks to our Presenting Sponsors UPMC Central PA and UPMC Health Plan for helping us provide even more support to the homeless through their generosity. No Christmas project can happen without elves, and our ELF Council (Executive Leadership Forum) of David LaTorre, Sara Bozich, Mack Granderson, Glenn Hamilton, John Dame, Alice Anne Schwab, Dave Lehman, Lisa Stokes, Tania Srouji, Chad Barger, Bob Geiger, Emily Gorski, Darrel Reinford and Sheldon Jones provided expertise, community leadership and contacts to make the project a success. Our Working Group did the day-to-day work of planning and executing the album and related efforts and included John Scarpato, Greg Platzer, Judy Baumgardner, Al Abruzzese, Joe Trojcak, Jerry Kambic, Deb Port, Bob Geiger and Steve Schwartz. Many recording studios and engineers were vital to the audio and video recording processes, and we especially thank Joe Trojcak/Progressive Enterprises Sound Studios, Derek Euston/Green Room, John Scarpato/Grace Berakah, Marty Malinics/Stain Can Studio, Ron DiSilvestro/Forge Recording and Jerry Kambic/Jerkami Communications for their valuable technical efforts. Special thanks to our retailers Karns, Talus Salon, BCR Music, One Good Woman, Community Aid, Market Square Bistro, Tickle My Senses and others who get the album in the hands of the public ensuring funds are raised to help the homeless. Special thanks to the anonymous members of the Selection Committee, local music industry professionals, who ensured the high quality of artists on the album. Thank you also to Jeff Sharp, Rick Russell and Doug Wilburne of The Englewood for rallying around the idea of a live music showcase and the whole team at ABC27 including Robert Bee, Jay Taylor, Debra Pinkerton, Brian Hauf and Danielle Burkett for making our TV special a reality. Others who contributed significantly include Ryan Chilcote, Beth Bard, Lori Friedlander, Andrea Karns of Karns Foods, Shawn Leppo of McNees Wallace Nurick, and members of the Rotary Club of Harrisburg. Kari Hultman/Step One Design, Inc. once again blessed us by designing our album artwork and all branding/promotional materials, Lamar Advertising donated billboards, and Dave LaTorre and Jill Helsel Gingrich of LaTorre Communications and Bob Geiger and Stefanie Bierzonski of PA Media Group/Pennlive provided invaluable promotional assistance.
And thanks to the staff and volunteers at Christian Churches United for the tremendous work they do on the street and for rallying around this project from the beginning. Lastly, I took a rough fall during the summer of 2021 that knocked me out (literally) of fulfilling my JTTB responsibilities and commitments for several months. So many of the people above stepped up and carried the ball in my absence...a true testament to the team effort that Joy to the Burg has become. Thank you all for your help and to all who expressed kind thoughts and support.
– Sheldon Jones, Project Organizer