The Albums
Joy to the Burg 2019
The original album, birthed from the vision of Sheldon Jones and local artists passionate about helping their fellow man. This album brought together 14 local musical acts to help the homeless, and ended up funding the start-up of a new women's winter shelter in Harrisburg. From folk to rock, bluegrass to country, jazz, chorale, traditional, even metal...this album is fun from start to finish, showing off the tremendous talent and range of these artists.
Joy to the Burg 2019 Track List

Looking back on the months it took to produce the first Joy to the Burg album in 2019, I realize that literally hundreds of people put tremendous effort into this final product. I estimate nearly 100 musical artists contributed in some way to making the beautiful and highly professional music on this album, and I can’t thank them enough. Special thanks to Shea Quinn and Greg Platzer who encouraged me early as I formulated the vision for Joy to the Burg, as well as to my pastor Tom Sweet of Market Square Presbyterian who helped get it off the ground.
The following studios added professional technical expertise to the recording of all 14 tracks: Grace Berakhah, Full Tilt Productions, Forge Recording, After 7 Studios, Green Room Recording Studio, Metropolis Collective, Skysong Studios, Progressive Enterprises Sound Studio, Ryan Chilcote, and Ron DiSilvestro. Kari Hultman of Step One Design, Inc. designed the album jacket artwork and promotional materials. Lamar Advertising provided billboard space, and McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC provided legal advice in intellectual property and other matters.
Our Executive Steering Committee provided valuable leadership and guidance to all aspects of the Joy to the Burg project. Its members are President John “Ski” Sygelski of HACC, John Dame (Management Strategies), Pastor Deb Port, Dave Lehman (retired from McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC), Dave La Torre of La Torre Communications, Pastor Mack Granderson, Lisa Stokes of B.R.P. Entertainment, Tania Srouji of Eye Candy Family, and Steve Sullivan and Meg Martin of CommunityAid. Thanks to my right hand men on the project, John Scarpato, Steve Schwartz and Darrel Reinford of Christian Churches United (CCU), for embracing the project and running with it. And I must thank my family for their support and understanding. Finally, special thanks to the staff and volunteers to CCU who invest their time and talents to ministering to people on the streets. I hope and pray the impact of this album touches many lives.
— Sheldon Jones, Project Organizer